What people are saying about Coach Ellie.


Signing up for FIT10 which is only 10 min a day changed my life for the better!

Not only do I feel like I worked out for 45 minutes in 10 minutes, but between the WhatsApp chat and Ellie herself it makes the package so insanely amazing! The accountability (with the other FIT10 women) on the chat is so important and forces one to not skip a day and even more important, you can ask questions or give comments.

It's a complete support team even though you get to exercise in your own home, at your own time, with a 24/7 personal amazing coach/trainer. Such a win-win situation for me.

I'd never go back to any gym class again!

— Allie, 44, NY (FIT10 program member)

I've always been on and off into fitness, never finding a program or type of workout that appealed to me long-term. After following Ellie through Instagram, I decided in March 2021 to join her Ab Challenge. 10 mins a day was all it entailed and a WhatsApp chat for accountability. About 3 days into the challenge I wanted to add on and work a little harder. That next week I joined her weekly classes and have been doing them every day ever since. I have been working with Ellie's Program for the past 3 months and the changes I have seen in my body both physically and mentally are astounding. Ellie has a program that is sustainable! She shows up for her clients and creates workouts that truly challenge you; leaving you feeling worked and proud of what your body is capable of. After only three months I feel like a new person! If you put in the work you will get the results! Thank you, Thank you, Ellie!

— Nissania, Age 36, New York

I can’t begin to tell you [Ellie] what an important person you have become to me. Not only do I look at how I eat differently I look at my body differently, I look at how I work out differently. You've taught me so much about nutrition by working out on what’s important and what’s not. I’ve learned how to enjoy a workout that doesn’t include lifting heavy weights. And you’ve taught me how to come out of my comfort zone as far as working out is concerned. I am one of your biggest fans. I talk about you to everyone often on how you’ve changed my life and how I love getting up so early in the morning to work out with you. I love your energy, I love your spirit. You’re just an awesome person inside and out and you have a great heart.

— Jen, Age 60, New York

I have only been working out with Ellie for 3 weeks but I already feel like a different person. The daily workouts have been so amazing for my emotional and physical well being. As a working mom with 5 young children, I have never made time to take care of myself and joining Ellie's fitness group was exactly what I needed to jumpstart my self care. I look forward to my workout every morning and feel stronger and more empowered each day!

— Ora, Age 35, South Carolina

Working with Coach Ellie over the past two years has truly been life changing. My relationship with food and fitness prior to working with Ellie was always shaky. Working out was something I dreaded, and eating healthy and wholesome meals was a struggle. I did not feel confident in my own skin, and it affected me not only physically, but mentally as well. A little over two years ago, I found out about Coach Ellie's Ab challenge, and decided to try it out: five minutes a day was manageable, right? I couldn't believe how quickly I was able to see the results! Since then, I joined Ellie's Women's Fitness Program, and it not only has changed my body drastically, but I ENJOY and truly look forward to her workouts. I love working out live with the rest of the women, but if I can't make it to the live class, I will exercise to the recording later on in the day. Ellie's Fitness Program has become part of my daily routine, and has made me feel healthier, stronger, and more confident than ever before!

— Daniella, Age 28, New York

Ellie's workouts are truly amazing! After back to back twin pregnancies my doctor told me only surgery will help! I was diagnosed with a really large diastasis recti that I didn't think I would get under control.

With Ellie's motivation and specific targeted workouts I see such amazing definition in all parts of my body which years of exercising never did. I finally have almost flat abs...I proved the doctors wrong! (There is still that extra skin but that's proud proof of my wonderful children.)

Ellie's workouts are not only fun and challenging but effective.

— Meechal, Age 43, New York

When I started almost 2 years ago with Ellie she was and is my health coach , this last year she has also become my fitness trainer.

Today, my whole perspective and confidence has come full circle. I can literally go down the list and check off “yes” to all the benefits that can come with even a modest health and exercise regimen. Body strength, stamina, endurance, better posture and balance, self-image, the list goes on.

We demand the best from our personal trainers and Ellie is the best!

She is of course, highly professional, and knowledgeable and has the education and certificates to back her up.

But it’s her “You can do it!” attitude that makes you want to strive and come back for more.

Caring, supportive, encouraging, a great sense of humour, Ellie will push you to your limit and you will love it.

I truly believe that having Ellie for a health coach and fitness trainer is one of the best things I ever did.

I can't thank her enough.

— Rose, Age 62, New York

I love getting up to workout. I feel so good for the rest of the day. It sets the day to be great. Coach Ellie always has something for each level and ALWAYS encourages you to improve yourself. I can't thank Ellie enough. Feeling good and strong!!!!

— Elissa, Age 54, New Jersey

Anyone could teach a class but you give your own personal attention at all levels. Never thought someone could accomplish that on Zoom.

– Odette, Age 52, New York