Let’s Talk Gratitude

I know we all know what "gratitude" is but I can't go into it without clearly defining it:  Gratitude is the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for.

What are you grateful for today?

I find myself taking a pause during the day to find and reflect on what I am grateful for.

There is so much turmoil in the world these days and I know we all feel it. We all feel the unrest and unsettling feeling whether we are Jewish or not. We need to reflect and keep gratitude in our hearts and in our mind.  Oddly, I am finding these days that in a very abnormal way, it is somewhat easier to find the small things in life we can be grateful for. When I think about that, I think about how sad that makes me feel. Finding gratitude should be easy in our day when we are surrounded by positivity. Lately,  there are so many little things we take for granted that we need to be thankful for. It's possible that those "little things" may not have made it to our minds or hearts before.

Last night I had the pleasure to do an Instagram Live with @thecheesestore_fl, client and friend Rena Mirzeoff. We talked about life right now as a Jewish Mom, meal plans, exercise and coffee! (Her business is cheese & coffee- You should totally follow her; she is hysterical and if you are in southern Florida they deliver!). At the end of our IG live I asked her a series of questions, I asked her "What are you grateful for?" and she responded a bit choked up and emotional: "My family". How many of us would respond the same? What may seem like such a basic and common answer is the answer so many of us think of first! Right? Rena is grateful to her grandparents who survived WWII and inspired her love of Israel, Torah and Judaism.

I am grateful for my family too. I am grateful for a small hug in the morning from my kids, A goodbye kiss on the cheek from my spouse, grateful for having parents close by to help me, sisters and brothers to do life with and grandparents who know my children. I am also grateful for friends I can count on, cry on their shoulders or escape to coffee with. I'm grateful for beautiful weather, a warm home, food in our fridge, a quiet day and a safe place to live. These days my gratitude list is basic, long and honest. 

Are you finding yourself more grateful now than before October 7th? Be honest, if you answered "yes", that's ok! Sometimes what happens on the world scene puts life into perspective for us whether we ask for it or not. 

I'm guilty. There are so many little things I am grateful for these days that I may not have been a few weeks ago. I am going to suggest we focus on gratitude as part of our morning routine. If you journal, write your answers down. You can even think about it while you brush your teeth, put on your makeup, prepare a cup of coffee or drive to work.  We can be grateful for many things each day but each day identify what you are most grateful for. It can be the same thing for days in a row. That's OK. I want to challenge you to really identify and absorb your gratitude. Your daily gratitude should put a safe smile on your face, bring warmth to your body and you should be happy thinking about it.

So....My Dear Friends, 

What are YOU grateful for today? 

Feel free to respond to this email with your thoughts. Please share with me if you are comfortable or fill out my question box on my social media stories or comment below in my social post today. 

I hope these daily thoughts resonate with you……

You've Got This! 


Sharing My Birthday Thoughts…