It’s Time to Discuss New Year’s Resolutions!

I'm not exactly sure how December rolled in already so soon- But it's here!!!!

It's time to round out the year with the Chanukah and Christmas holiday season and head into the New Year! YES- We are already talking about New Year's Resolutions!!!! 

While I am not in a rush for the year to end, I want to be realistic that we already have to start our focus on 2024 and the amazing things it has in store for each of us.  Now, I'm going to take a minute and ask your permission to be honest and upfront while I make the following statement:

A lot of us need to re-focus on our health, nutrition and self care...And the time is NOW.

If this is YOU...It's OK and you need to know that you are NOT alone. Some of us have been distracted by worry and concern about the war in Israel, we may be living through some family emergencies, dealing with personal issues, health issues, work or life stressors or just not in tune or interested in focusing on ourselves. If this is you, again, I'm going to give you some grace- you had your time. Now I want you to consider THIS MINUTE as the minute you took charge in making time for yourself, your self care, your health and your fitness a priority again!!! 

You can start small like focusing back on your water goals today, getting to the grocery store to make a delicious and healthy dinner, putting on your makeup or getting dressed with a bit more effort, making your bed and tidying up the house or jumping right in with a little more and joining a Coach Ellie program! 

Let's regroup! Here is how we can start:

  1. Take a breath today, look in the mirror and say out loud "I AM READY TO FOCUS ON ME AGAIN!"

  2. Decide what you will do differently TODAY as you shift your focus a bit more on your SELF CARE. 

  3. Let's make a PLAN! Results don't just happen- they happen when we follow a plan and join an accountability team. 

  4. Let's do it TOGETHER!!!

So in reality, you may not start something right away. You may decide like many that 1/1/24 is your time to start and that things are too hard around the holidays. Or, you may be fed up with yourself and your bad habits or choices and you may get in touch with me and start a program right away! 

Here are the ways we can get healthy together: EXERCISE, NUTRITION OR BOTH!!!


Did you know you can workout with me from your home? You may be starting to get into exercise or you may want to make a come-back to it. Either way I have an effective program you can do from your home with limited fitness tools! (**If you decide to combine one of the following fitness options here with a nutrition program please fill out the form in the NUTRITION section below.**) Here are some options below:

It's December! Ready for a change?

Let's talk about moving your body: Did you know I have a program that is only 10 minutes a day?! That is because I can give you a workout that is totally effective in just 10 minutes! So if you are pressed for time as a busy mom or professional or both all you need is 10 minutes- I know everyone can set aside 10 minutes of self care a day! #NoExcuses

For more information about FIT10 and for the list of fitness tools see the link below:

FIT10 (Beginner)

20 minutes FIT10+Bonus

If you have a bit more time and you are looking to start or restart a little weight training this is the program for you! In 20 minutes you can have a complete workout 5 days a week!

For more information about FIT10+Bonus and for the list of fitness tools see the link below:

FIT10 (Intermediate)

45 Minutes  FIT45 (Live or On Demand)

This program is designed to be 5 days a week. Each day focuses on a different body part or type of workout. By the end of the week your body is completely worked and you are ready for your weekend which is 2 consecutive rest days! This program is offered Live or On Demand.

For more information about FIT45 and for the list of fitness tools see the link below:



If you are feeling like you are not happy with the way your clothes are fitting you or how your eating habits have been, then we should talk! You may decide to do a meal plan on its own or combine it with one of my fitness programs above and you will have an EXPLOSIVE combination! The first step of reaching out is always the hardest one so... I'll make it super easy for you! 

Just fill out my health questionnaire and I will get back to you.

Together, we will decide what program is best for YOU!!! (I also have a few new program options for you, so let's get talking!)

Are you ready for a change?

Take a few minutes to really think about what you may be ready for. As always feel free to reach out to me anytime at or fill out my health questionnaire and we can make time to connect. 

Wishing you a happy December.


The Chanukah Jelly Doughnut: Down for it OR Dread it?


My Thanksgiving Tips!