Sweat Is NOT A Determination Of How Hard You Worked!!

Not everyone sweats!!!

Keep this in mind and avoid measuring your workout output only by your sweat level!

You may sweat more or less depending on your gender, age, hormones, time of the month, workout output, conditioning level, length of workout, endurance or even body temperature.

You may also find that the more you are consistent with your fitness and the more you push your body (i.e: increasing the time of your workouts or the weight in your workouts), the more you may eventually start to sweat or sweat more! 

That is what happened to me! I never used to sweat while working out (and I lifted heavy and worked hard). My body temperature increased and I would get a little sweat but never drip sweat. As my workouts became more intense or as my body responded by working harder in FIT45 teaching and training at the same time, my body started to anticipate the work it needed to do and I started leaving a lot of sweat on the mat! 

Bottom line- Even if you don’t sweat right now as you exercise you are still working... but don't be afraid to level up!


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