How many sizes of clothes do you pack when you go on vacation?

You know how some of us pack our looser clothing to wear as the vacation progresses... as we allow ourselves to eat, then we need to go UP a size in our bottoms, then again UP another size before vacation is over??? YES!!!🙋‍♀️ I HAVE BEEN THERE TOO!!!
I have saved my looser dresses for my second half of my vacation, when the bloat kicks in, the weight gain, feeling yucky and wanting to hide behind looser clothes. I promise,
So let's talk about some TIPS ... WHAT IF WE CHANGED OUR MINDSET!


❌What if we did NOT bring bigger clothes?!
❌What if we did NOT allow ourselves to go overboard? (Being honest here. It is overboard. Because if it was not, we would be fine in our same size and we would feel ok.)
❌What if we had no backup plan and that was the plan, to be able to zipper, snap and close all our clothes by the end of the vacation? How would you feel about that? You may feel pretty darn good!!!

Lastly, would you feel like you were missing out? I hope not. Missing out on a whole piece of cake, what if you had a bite or 2 or just 3. Missing out on seconds at the free buffet? Could one plate be enough?
I am here to challenge you.... to explore another option.

So the next time you pack for a vacation, think about only packing the clothes that fit you. Not the "what if" ones.

My secret to vacation dinners:
See this post picture my silver dress is fitted….😉
Wearing something fitted! Not sure if you know this about me but I love Diet Coke… but the bubbles don’t love me! You can be sure that I will NOT order a Diet Coke if I am in a fitted dress! It may be silly, but it works for me!

What are your tips for helping yourself stay on track??????


Fast & Easy Pea Soup


Are You Eating Enough?